Superrb directors pickup Creativepool award for emerging agency

Victory at Creativepool

by Superrb

We won Creativepool’s Emerging Agency of the Year award! 2016 was a big year for us and we’re stoked that the judges recognised that and were impressed with our work.

We won Creativepool’s Emerging Agency of the Year award! 2016 was a big year for us and we’re stoked that the judges recognised that and were impressed with our work.

If you’re not familiar with the Creativepool Annual, it’s essentially a book that’s produced each year full of awesome creative work from some of the most talented agencies and individuals across the globe.

There were 33 project categories from animation to interiors and everything in between. As well as championing specific projects, the Annual also recognises agencies and individuals based on all the work they’ve done throughout the previous year.

To be featured in the book, work is submitted to Creativepool and reviewed by a panel of judges from the likes of Google, Facebook, Havas and Leo Burnett. Once the shortlist is announced there are two ways you can win, via a people’s choice vote and via the professional judging panel. The winners were revealed at the Annual Awards Ceremony at Protein Studios on March 29th 2017.

Work was selected from 17 different countries, much of which was created by brands and agencies that we admire. So even being shortlisted was was a huge coup and testimony to the work we’ve done. We were shortlisted for the two following categories:

Category: Web

The work consists of the factors of creating an overall web page, responsiveness, user experience and user interface of any URL translated through a typical browser. Applicable to websites, microsites, etc. The judges will be comparing work based on its content, user interface, user experience, use of technology, and the overall execution.

Category: Emerging Agency of the Year

This award is open to any size of organisation and can be entered by agencies that are a part of a network or group. The agency should be one that has done something extraordinary in 2016 that has either had success beyond its size or has threatened more established agencies with either it's creative or it's clients.

This was the first major award we’d been nominated for so we were all pretty nervous. Calming our nerves at the complimentary bar was a good idea until we realised our categories were both at the very end of the schedule so we had to reign it in...a little. And luckily we made that decision early enough so we could still hear them say that Superrb was the judges’ winner for Emerging Agency of the Year!

Thank you to everyone that supported us in 2016. With two new additions to the team, some sweet projects in the pipeline and a new office on the horizon, 2017 is shaping up quite nicely too.

You can check out all the winners over at Creativepool.

Follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with our latest work or visit what we do for more information.

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